Our No Addresses....106 Years and Counting This page - tallies the recent coverage (in civic meeting and press) of this topic in our Village, plus this includes the original article published in the Sept/Oct 2022 Voice issue. HERE is a How To Guide on optimizing your experience with our odd 108 year tradition of No Addresses as of August 2024. YOU’VE GOT MAIL…SOMEPLACE
April 1 2025 - 4:30 PM City Council Agenda Topic HERE is the Staff report prepared in advance to review the presentation prepared, but it was not presented by Staff in September 2024 as per the Mayor's guidance. Oct 19 2024 - SF Chronicle Article HERE is this article as a pdf "‘13th house on the right’: Should this affluent California town finally get street addresses?" Oct 2 2024 - 4:30 PM - Council Member Announcement Karen Ferlito announced that there will be an Ad Hoc/Community Meeting to review the prepared planning document not covered in the September 10th City Council. This meeting will be scheduled and announced shortly. Sept 10 2024 - 4:30 PM Regular City Council - Agenda Item HERE is the Staff Report on this Agenda item. Aug 6th 2024 Regular City Council - NOT an Agenda Item HERE is the YouTube for this meeting on this topic. The City used an official "subsequent need item" process to have this topic addressed this evening once again. Public comments were received in both this topic upfront and again in the official Public Comments section of today's agenda and once again after City Council announcements - listen to the video through the 1:23 minute mark. Here are a few more recent press Articles. July 9th 2024 Regular City Council Agenda Item - Addresses HERE is the Staff report with relevant attachments, as below for this agenda item "Receive a presentation on the exploration of street addresses, to be discussed, and provide staff with direction" Recent Topical Press Coverage: Note: In re-reading current Cal Fire Code and our City Municipal Code - they both support our current approach to addresses with the addition of required signage. The ordinance revision may or may not be required depending on the conclusion of implementing USPS standard addressing. See as follows: Cal Fire Code Verbatim - 505.1 Address identification. (HERE is the Link to this) May 7 2024 City Council - Karen Ferlito Announcement/Update In Council open comments, Karen Ferlito highlighted the findings as shown below in this February update. And she requested this item be explored publically in the coming months. The Carmel Pine Cone (May 10, 2034) HERE expanded on this update in an article on page 16 of this issue. February 2024 - Coucil Member Karen Ferlito Letter & Reply from USPS Regarding Addresses in Town As mentioned in the City Friday letter 3/1/2024 - VLOG HERE - The City Staff will continue to gather additional details before a public meeting will be scheduled to review and discuss this information. January 2024 - LosAngeles Times Articles on No Addresses in Carmel-by-the-Sea Jan 22 Article HERE from CBC Radio "A city in California has no house numbers. Here's why they're finally addressing it" Jan 22nd Article as PDF - copywrite of LATimes - HERE. And direct link to article HERE https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-01-22/california-carmel-addresses-post-office Jan 23rd followup Article as PDF - copywrite of LATimes - HERE. And direct link to article HERE https://www.latimes.com/california/newsletter/2024-01-23/the-town-where-nobody-knows-your-address-because-nobody-has-one-essential-california Three Word Addresses? A new technology solution - beyond GPS location identifiers called "Three Word Address" approach is getting some momentum - especially in very rural areas - but can be applied anywhere. https://what3words.com/how-to-use-the-what3words-app. Nov 7th - City Council staff report and request for direction. As per this City Council, an Ad Hoc Committee with Council Members Dramov & Ferlito, plus residents with multiple views will be formed, that will also include further reasearch with the USPS Growth Manager and staff. More to follow. -Carmel Pine Cone - Nov 10 2023 Issue HERE see cover/page1 article and editorial on page 26 Aug 30 2023- Breifly covered at the Strategic Priorities half yearly review. View this YouTube at time stamp 3:40 minutes. Community input focus on health and safety and many that strongly support no change from today. See the CRA Survey Summer 2023 Round 1 results, that includes Addresses feedback from our community here, on page 4. May 23rd 2023 - Press Article from KAZU here Mar 3rd 2023 City Council Meeting Postmaster spoke in open comments This brief mention can be viewed on this YouTube at the 10 minute mark. It was clarified that if/when addresses are implemented in our Village, this does not require or assume home delivery via USPS. Oct 4th 2022 City Council Update Here is the summary of staff findings and here is a PDF of the white paper provided by staff and presented at this meeting The City Council OK'd staff to continue researching this item and will continue to report back with updates in the coming months.
Original Article published in the Voice September 2022 For newcomers and residents of many years, here are many points of technology and convenience to explore. Addresses in Carmel-by-the-Sea It has been 106 years Carmel-by-the-Sea without standard street addresses and with the pleasantries (and hassles) this uncommon tradition provides. Our history includes multiple attempts to implement addresses and postal delivery but were put on the back burner. For years, residents enjoy their near-daily visits to the Post Office, with the impromptu mix and mingle with fellow residents while enjoying everything Carmel. Ofcourse, times have changed. Our always available mobile phones, email, texting, and other online mapping technologies have increased expectations and approaches to location and communications overall. In today’s no address deliveries, mail and being found (when you want or need to be) can be a challenge, especially for newcomers and visitors. And especially with the pandemic the desire for house delivery has increased dramatically. Will Village Standard Addresses Happen? Exploring street addresses for our Village is a priority City project item to start this calendar year 2022/2023. This project will likely include many factors, pros/cons, timeline, and community feedback before actions are taken. Prior to this project effort, we don’t have the facts on expected dependencies between standard addresses, providing postal mail delivery, and keeping our 93921 Post Office open in town. Not included in the printed Voice article but for example... Can we implement official addresses without postal delivery? If we did, then what would happen is someone postal mailed to our street address, when we don't get delivery? We "hear" that if we implement addresses, then we definitely will be required to have postal mail delivery - but need this to be confirmed. What would the requirements be for mail boxes all around town? Will sidewalks be required if we have mail delivery (they were in an earlier round on this topic)? How long would it take between a confirmed decision by the city to implement addresses and having these new addresses appear in online systems and maps? How would any of these prior questions link to keeping our 93921 Post Office open? The list of questions here continues. We will update this page as exploring addresses in Carmel-by-the-Sea project by the City Staff updates are available. Note: Frank Devendorf, by design, wanted this town to be for families and did NOT want addresses. Listen to this Video at minute mark 39:45 where his great grandson, Jack Galante, reinforces this point of Carmel history and Village heritage. Today, without standard addresses…
Optimizing How to Find Your House
Ideal Location Descriptions
For House Delivery of Packages or Services
Carmel-by-the-Sea US Postal Office 93921 Our Post Office is located on 5th Avenue between Dolores and San Carlos, Phone (831) 625-4470. There are over 5000 physical PO Boxes in our Post Office: as of Spring 2022 there are 3200 in use. Sunday it is closed. Service Counter is open Monday-to-Friday 10am to 4:30pm and Saturdays from 12-2 a Package Pickup Window only is in the middle of the PO Box area. Doors to access PO Boxes are open 6-4:30 each weekday and Saturday from 7:30-4:30; they are unpredictably open longer. Your FREE United States PO Box Carmel-by-the-Sea residents (house owner, renter etc.) qualify for a free PO Box. For owners, they ask to see your tax bill and for Renters, please check with the Post Office Service Desk for required documentation. Annual verification (proof) is required. Larger PO Boxes are available for an annual fee. Special Mail Delivery for Housebound Housebound residents can apply with the City Staff for free house delivery if you qualify. This service is provided by Peninsula Messenger Service and paid for in our City fiscal budget by our tax dollars. Yes, You’ve Got Mail You can sign up to receive email notifications from USPS that you have postal mail waiting. Sign up for Informed Delivery, by USPS you digitally preview most upcoming mail and shipments by way of your email address. The email includes images of the address side of letter-sized mail pieces and packages processed through USPS's automated equipment. Sign up at informeddelivery.usps.com Advantages of PO Boxes
Disadvantages of PO Boxes
Other PO Box Providers There are fee-for-service providers offering Boxes and more that may better fit your needs. In town they include PAK Mail across from our Post Office, and Carmel Office Supply on Lincoln, SE of Ocean. Near Hwy 1 & Rio these providers include UPS Store in the Crossroads and Carmel Mail & Ship near Barnyard. If you have new or different suggestions and updates for this article...please email us at [email protected]. But also read on for material and history not included in the printed newsletter issue. Carmel & Addresses, Its Storied Past – highlights There is always more…especially the history of prior efforts in town tied to addresses and postal delivery. Here are a few snippets of interesting local history from books and links to PDFs of articles, as available for more.
Carmel-by-the-Sea Centennial Booklet (published 2016) page 10 (link to full booklet HERE) “One of those only-in-Carmel moments occurred in 1953, when the State of California insisted that all houses have address numbers. Carmelites threatened to secede from California, but then didn’t have to carry out their plans.” More research is needed to know why this effort was placed on the shelf. New York Times 9/6/2000 “Fighting for a Carrier-Free Zone” summarized points (link to full article HERE) In 1926, the City adopted an ordinance to number it’s houses, but the measure was ignored until it was officially repealed in 1940. Ordinance 68 Thirteen years later, (1953) the City threatened to secede from the State of California over a gas-tax bill that would have required it to number its houses. That bill failed. A spokesman for the Postal Service in Washington DC, said that door to door service is not legally obligated. In August 2000, the USPS announced at a packed City Hall meeting that free home delivery, pending the assignment of street numbers, would finally be offered in our Village. Who and why, again, did these efforts stop in their tracks? Carmel Pine Cone July 5, 1973 “Whither the Carmel post office?” summarized points (link to PDF HERE) A proposal to move our 6000 sq ft Post Office, needing more space, to the north lot of Sunset Center with new building with 40000 sq ft. In part, this proposal likely was shelved due to Sunset Center municipal bonds limiting the shift in property until 1989…and of course community input objecting to this proposal. Carmel – Today and Yesterday, by Daisy Bostick (book published 1945) page 43 “After the day has really begun, Ocean Avenue becomes a place of much life and movement. Everyone makes at least one trip to the village. There is no mail delivery in Carmel, and you are likely to meet almost everyone you know at the post office around ten, three and eight o’clock, the times when mail is distributed. Several times the government has considered the establishment of mail delivery but each time the old residents have put in a plea that things remain as they are. The post office, as it stands, is a Carmel institution. There is much pleasure in the meetings and greetings, the local gossip, the dog fights which cause a suspensions of the incoming and outgoing mail until the combatants are separated and peace again restored. And the old residents very much object to the numbering of houses, the installation of sidewalks, the uniformed mail carriers, all of which would be required if so radical a change as mail delivery were made by Uncle Sam. “ Curious Customs of Carmel, by El Freida Liese (book published 1968) page 6 Chapter Carmel’s Privacy: “One reason is what the early settler sought first in the village was privacy (could he have had something to hide?) To be certain that privacy was what he got – he hid his house among the trees and brush. He opted against mail deliveries to his home. He refused to put up a house number on his property.” Secret History of Carmel, by John Thompson (book published 2011) page 167 “Another hub of local activity was the Post office across the street where the 1700 boxes filled neat brass rows from floor to ceiling. The name on the sign declared W.M. Overstreet the Postmaster. He was staunchly against home deliver because that would make his building lose its title as the gossip center of the village. After enjoying a good cough, the retirees would tie up their pedigree dogs before standing in line soaking up gossip and loading up on green one penny stamps. Then there were the profiles on the wanted posters hung above the outgoing slot with yokels point out imaginary resemblances to Carmel’s more reclusive artists. Then there was the “Special Receptacle” for rejection slips from East Coast publishers, and there were the mysterious ladies who read love letters, wide-eyed with a pencil in their mouth, opening bill envelopes with trembling fingers, and scribbling hasty replies on penny postcards.” From Our Carmel Harrison Memorial Library - The History team - has also provided these PDF's for even more.
And so it goes in Carmel-by-the-Sea….our storied past, ready or not for tomorrow!