For those with opinions, endurance and more - this week is for you. We hope to see many of you at one or more of these 5 City meetings each day this week online or in person, and in person at the CRA No-Host Tuesday, and our Village Craft Fair Saturday - all of these are in and for our amazing Village. Whether connecting socially or at these civic sessions - you are welcomed!
PS: And don't forget to sign up for our annual Membership Holiday Gala Saturday Dec 2 - the registration deadline is Nov 25th.
Monday Nov. 13th, 4:00PM - Housing Ad Hoc Committee Meeting in Council Chambers to review Sacramento's HCD response to the draft of our Housing Element supporting RHNA requirements. HERE is the City's Meeting online agenda, the HDC response letter and Zoom access. Visit our CRA Housing page for more details and background.
Tuesday Nov. 14th, 4:30 - 6:00 PM - Join fellow Members where we will gather for a CRA No-Host at Flaherty's between San Carlos and Dolores on 6th (we'll be in the large room on the right of the alleyway. Our No-Hosts are a great opportunity to meet fellow locals and catch up on Village goings on. In addition to multiple CRA Board Members, various City Council and Commission members often join us too. Find more information and photos from past No-Host Gatherings HERE.

Tuesday Nov. 14th, 4:00PM - Special Ad Hoc Meeting in Council Chambers ONLY (no ZOOM option) will explore considerations for an Outdoor Wine Tasting on Private Property program. Ad Hoc Committee Council Members are Mayor Potter and Council Member Baron.
Wednesday Nov. 15th, 4:00PM - a special Planning Commission Workshop will be held in City Chambers to discuss a new draft ADU Ordinance. Public comment and draft feedback are encouraged. HERE is the City's online agenda with the ADU draft and Zoom access. (This draft provides for ministerial approvals required by the State, complimented with objective standards specific to and for our Village) Visit our ADU webpage for more details and background.
Thursday Nov. 16th, 3:30PM - the Climate Action Committee is meeting in Council Chambers to talk about next steps of this program and plans. HERE is the City page on this team's efforts in recent years. An Agenda will be posted on the City Meetings page HERE prior to this date.
Friday Nov. 17th, 2:00PM - the Design Traditions 1.5 Steering Committee will meet in City Chambers to continue their work on the revisions for our Village Design Guidelines. Visit our CRA Architecture page for more on this team's progress and background. An agenda will be posted on the City Meetings page HERE prior to this date.
Saturday Nov. 18th, 9:00 to 3:00 is the annual Homecrafters in the North Lot of Sunset Center. And don't miss the many surrounding locations for their great gifts, foods, and crafts for your early holiday shopping extravaganza. More details are available on this City event page.

And almost the best for last, it's not too late to plan on joining us for this great way to begin your December holiday celebrations with old and new Carmel friends and neighbors. Join us once again at our...
Annual CRA Members Holiday Gala Saturday, December 2nd, at La Playa Hotel Act Now! Only 30 spots remain - until we sell out, once again. Our Reservation Deadline is Monday November 25th
 2022's Holiday Gala "Kilt Gang" & "Grape Gals"
Reception: Mix and mingle with fellow members during the Cocktail Hour beginning at 5:30 pm on the Pacific Terrace where red and white wines are included throughout the reception and dinner. Well drinks will also be available at the cash bar on the Terrace.
Dining: Our dinner will begin at 6:30 pm in the Pacific Room with a special holiday salad – A Sweet Gem & Roasted Beet Salad, radicchio, frisee, popcorn shoots & goat cheese. Followed by your Main Dish Choice: 1. Lobster Ravioli with velvet corn soup, roasted mushrooms & fine herb salad 2. Roasted Rosemary Chicken, served with rustic whipped potatoes & seasonal vegetables 3. Caprese Ravioli in a fire roasted tomato sauce (vegetarian) Concluding with your Desert Choice and Coffee: A. Lemon Meringue Tart with Raspberry Coulis B. Chocolate Hazelnut Torte with Salted Caramel
To Join Us CRA Members confirm your participation by registering to attend, with your welcome guest(s*) of 1, 2 or 3, by processing your meal options and $90 per person payment online. * Your guests can be members or non-members. If you received this email directly - you are welcome to join us! Here are more event details and more pictures from prior years Gala!
For Gala Registration & Pay Online Here You will be prompted for your CRA Username, which is
And, in case you missed them....
Carmel-by-the-Sea 107th Birthday & Halloween Parade! We all gathered Tuesday, October 31st to celebrate our Village Birthday and Halloween as we marched up and down the Avenue handing candy to the kids along the sidewalks of Ocean Avenue. Big thanks to CRA Members who joined us!

And at City Council Nov. 7th, Standard Addresses project status report was presented, public comment received and after the Council discussion, they recommended forming an Ad Hoc Committee with Council persons Dramov & Ferlito and with residents representing multiple points of views. So, more to follow. This staff report, press coverage and more are posted on our CRA Addresses webpage here.
Keep your feedback coming anytime! And if you have updates, additions or corrections - please let us know. |