Happy St Patrick's (end of) Day

The Voice - Mar-Apr 2023 as a PDF is available HERE & was mailed to you
The articles include: Carmel Civic Pride, How Much Do We Care, The Waves of Life in Carmel, A Fable-Once Upon a Time..., Carmel How Do We Love Thee - CRA Board Members Count the Ways, Hot Topics, CRA About Town, Citizen of the Year March 26th, Next No Host April 5th at La Balena and more...
Rescheduling of important City Meetings (due to storms & updates to the dates mentioned in the Voice issue above)
- Special City Council Meeting - to review the 2023/2024 FY Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) proposed budget items. Now Tuesday March 21st at 4PM in City Hall. For details visit this city page for details and documents. (Just maybe with our recent storms, should we consider revisiting elements of our Forest Master Plan refresh already underway?)
- Special Planning Commission Meeting - Now Wednesday March 29th at 4PM in City Hall to review the new draft of the Wireless (Cell Tower) Ordinance and for public comments. Here are the City meeting details and documents. Please also visit this CRA page for detailed feedback championed by the citizen group SCTCN.
- Carmel High/Carmel City - Student Government Day is when CHS students take the roles of our City Council and City Staff for annual proposed budget review. This was originally scheduled for March 16th, but is now being rescheduled for a date in April. Let's show support for our next generation of Carmel leaders.
Citizen of the Year - Join Us Sunday 3/26 to Congratulate Donna Jett!
We are pleased to honor Donna's 25 years of volunteer service to our City and beyond, Sunday March 26th at Carmel Woman's Club. Join us including City Staff, Council Members, plus County and State Representatives. Everyone is welcome; our doors open at 1:30PM, program begins at 2:00PM and enjoy a beverage, gnashing and celebratory cake from 3:00-4:00PM.

“Donna is an extraordinary example of a sustained committed volunteer for our Village. With over 25 years on local nonprofit boards and event leadership, her contributions are too many to mention. Her passion for the arts and for those less fortunate have benefited from her efforts through organizations including Joining Hands, Pacific Repertory Theater, and Carmel Woman’s Club. She also brings her skills and energy to our City through her service on the Community Activities Commission for almost 20 years. We are pleased to add her to our honor roll of Citizens of the Year.” says Fred Bologna, President of CRA.
Beach Clean Up Returns Tomorrow - Saturday March 18th from 9:30 till noon. And also mark your calendars for every 3rd Saturday through October. Join us.
Please stop by our Community Table EVERY LAST Thursday for CRA at Carmel Farmers Market. Find us there next Thursday March 30th from 10AM to 2PM. (Of course Carmel's Farmers Market is every Thursday, but you can find us there once per month, January - October)
More Local Performances This Weekend Plus - Enjoy!
Check out the unique "Encounter Initiative" Performance at the Carl Cherry Theater here, this weekend and next.
PacRep offers multiple performances at the indoor theater of the Forest Theater through the end of the month, here.
And Monterey Symphony has a performance with a Women's Night Out this Saturday night here.

Oh, There Was Just A bit of Rain and Wind! ARGH!
First, our huge thanks go out to our City teams Carmel Public Works, all Emergency Services (Police, Fire, EMT) and our great CERT teams....and everyone including other City Staff and our Tree Vendors who did amazing work to help address the critical needs of residents and more. Even if tree related challenges didn't impact you directly, being without Cell, Internet and Electric/Heat services for days was challenging for all of us, businesses and residents. Tossing contents of refrigerators and freezers was a darn shame. But to those who's property or persons were hit directly - we send our best wishes. Community Foundation for Monterey County is a great place to contribute to those in need, here. Thanks again to everyone for keeping your chins up and for chipping in. (click to enlarge this collage below)

With Lights Out - what did you do during the crazy dark/cold/wet days of March?
Personally I read, via candlelight+, over 2,000 pages of books that I highly recommend. They included the authors from our recent CRA program Humbled and programs by our Carmel Public Library Foundation. Hearing directly from these authors is great, but their books provide more insights, struggles and accomplishments. With Humbled and Silent Spring Revolution, they remind us of the ongoing and critical need to take care of our planet (locally, nationally and beyond). Passionate community members, in partnership with those that represent us, have and will continue to make a difference.

And be sure to visit our Carmel Reading page for more on our Village, our area, our history and amazing people!
Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Reply or email to [email protected].