Beginning 2021 with grins, groans & wisdom?
2020 has been a challenging year across most aspects of life – from family, relationships, employment, education, health, travel, finance, social, safety, services, business, to government….and more. With these early 2021 days, we are likely a bit anxious for what this new year may bring (1st image) and are counting the days for the expanded vaccine rollouts to everyone (3rd image), gradually revealing our new normal. Charles Darwin offers wise insights reinforcing that those who are the most responsive to change will survive. May we all embrace change, survive, and thrive.
Exact Quote: "It's not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change."
Zoom with CRA
Join us, Thursday January 28th at 5PM for History of Live Theater in Carmel with Stephen Moore. From any smart device or PC your One Click Access to this Zoom session is HERE. Carmel has been honored with many influencers, artists, directors, producers, writers, performers, and stages about town. Hear more about the early locations and delivery of in-person enjoyment across the spectrum of classical to current dramas and musicals over the decades. For more details on this great event and Stephen Moorer please visit this link.

City Council Meeting - January 5th 4:30 – Open Agenda and Video Recordings HERE
Open Council Comments * C.Rerig – expressed thanks to Marnie Waffle as Acting Planning Department Leader and Chip will work to address excess trash generated due to To Go empty packaging items in garbage containers about town. * C.Theis – Waste Mgmt. District on Carbon Footprint Jan 21st. Plus offers our citizens thanks to the Library Team. * B.Richards – regarding GreenWaste, noting that they aren’t currently contracted to provide service on National Holidays such as Jan 1. * D.Potter – added thanks to local Restaurateur and others who pitched in over New Years holiday to haul away the excess garbage. * K.Ferlito – will be the Carmel representative at AMBAG and will share our concerns on excess trash in our village and beyond along Hwy 1.
Consent Agenda Items– covered live Resolution 2021-001- Accepting Donations - Tim Allen spoke representing donations made by Carmel Gives & Carmel Cares of items & services over $84,000. Beyond these items, Tim highlights their newest investment of more than $100,000 for meal grants with rollouts to those in need in alignment with Carmel restaurants. Visit and for more information and to make donations to expand their program reach if you can. Approved.
Resolution 2021-003 – Mail Delivery by Messenger Services contract renewal that expired December 31 2020. J.Barron requested Council review prior to future budget increase adjustments. K.Ferlito supports concerns for budget alignment in Council and other items on mail delivery. C.Theis also would like to explore this program more in the months to come. The Council approved as presented by staff with budget and program scope discussions expected in the future. Approved.
Order of Business Items Resolution 2021-005 receiving the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report presentation by Auditors. Third year with no exceptions, weaknesses, disagreements, or passes. It was highly recommended that residents and stakeholders take some time to review this document. C.Theis suggest reading pages 1-9 to understand demographics and fiscal factors of Carmel-by-the-Sea. D. Potter also calls out pages 30-33 are also worth the review to understand the financial unknowns in these COVID times. Approved.
 Images of Scenic Pathway – without (looking north) & with people on bump-out (looking south) It’s tough to get too much of these views!
Proposal to Pursue Intermittent Scenic Road Closure for recreational purposes – as championed by a local resident, as per this document. C.Rerig said that > 70 letters were received in advance and many were expected to speak this evening. (Plus social media had many passionate views expressed in last 5 days). B.Harary began by clarifying the objective at this meeting is not to approve closures, but is to get a Yes or No for further investigation of this request. The requesters original proposal was explored with Monterey County (see initial slide below). With concerns raised, the consideration was shifted to explore Scenic from Eighth to Santa Lucia approaching City of Carmel-by-the-Sea (see map and second slide below)

Option 1 – Direct Staff to Proceed with Evaluation Process (above) and Return to Council for Approval/Denial Option 2 – Defer the Project Request consideration at this time
Public Comments J.Maddras – was the source of original project proposal and survey conducted targeting parents of school children for outdoor recreation, especially given COVID school closures. He offered that this program should start as a pilot and with not with closure quantity as presented. More comments heard from parents and children in support, stressing the safety results, plus this would be great for community enjoyment as well. Scenic and other residents’ concerns included costs, parking, staffing, time, and access. Suggestions to use alternate parks and low use parking lots and roads for kid-safe biking, skating and more. In these times, there are more critical items of concern for the Village, its residents and civic resources.
Council Comments J.Baron raises serious concerns of biking safety from first hand experience. K.Ferlito & B.Richards do not support at this time tied to costs and other items. C.Theis strongly supports addressing the bike lane needs & safety separately and staffing impact to support this ask. D.Potter adds concerns on limiting restricting Scenic due to citizen mobility and financial impacts. Motion to postpone approved by 4-1 vote.
Sidewalk Vending Permit Application & Renewal Fees in Feb 2021. Public Comments – Question about giving the limited quantity of existing permit holders the option to renew – when they are not being utilized?
Council Comments – C.Rerig & B.Pierik offered that these permits are comparable to property rights with continuity, offered on a first come first serve basis in alignment with State law requirements and limited by total quantity issued. M.Waffle provides clarification that these are annual permits and applicant also requires business license and other permits depending on the offering, plus insurance. J.Baron refreshes his standing concern with these permits remaining mostly unused. K.Ferlito suggests a “wait list” for applicants for when there is an opening. C.Rerig clarifies there are public notices published in Pinecone and status available at Planning Department. Approved.
Future Agenda Item Request – K.Ferlito raised the need to work on updating the General Plan, as many of the items are woefully out of date and not reflective of known future strategic planning considerations (forest management, climate challenges, outdoor dining, etc.).
END of City Council – at 7 PM
Shop Local
Remember our local small business owners are relying on our support. Follow this link to search our Chamber Business Directory to find what you need:, as well as this “To Go” link to Visit Carmel's Carmel-by-the-Sea Take Out Guide & Specials.

Carmel’s Farmers Market Returns after a holiday break Mark your calendars for every Thursday – 10 AM to 2 PM located on the 6th and Mission sides of Devendorf Park. Farmers Market continues to offer a range of great fresh foods, flowers, plants, a bit of local entertainment, and compostable items disposal…etc. Be sure to mark Thursdays on your calendar. The city web page on Farmers Market is HERE.
COVID-19 Testing, Vaccine Rollout & Thanks Many of these items will continue to evolve in the days, weeks and months to come. Please continue to wear masks, wash hands and social distance. And always make sure to source information from your trusted medical or pharmaceutical professional and our County web sites, including and The latest info on free testing and the current vaccine schedule are shown here.

Thank you...wherever you are!
Your questions and suggestions are always welcome. Stay safe and healthy.