Oct 6, 2024

Celebrating 37 Years of Community Service

Carmel City Meetings & Events yet in October

Oct 7 – City Meeting - Rules 20A Undergrounding Utilities  Ad Hoc Community Meeting at 4PM in City Chambers (narrowly applied to only a small portion of town, using funds provided by $'s collected by PG&E) HERE
Oct 8 – City Meeting - Flock Security Camera Ad Hoc Community Meeting at 4PM in City Chambers HERE
Oct 9  – City Meeting - Regular Planning Commission at 4PM in City Chambers HERE
Oct 10  – City Meeting - Forest & Beach Commission at 2:30PM in City Chambers (agenda will be posted on the City Meetings page HERE
check out this City's Halloween Season Events page HERE 
for details
Oct 26 – Carmel's Annual Pumpkin Roll down Ocean Ave 11AM to 1PM
Oct 31 – Halloween/Anniversary Parade up and down Ocean Avenue - 4PM 

(all of these and more are shown in the expanded meeting & event list below) 

Carmel High School's Homecoming Parade too - Oct 18th!

Be sure to gather on the sidewalks of Ocean Avenue beginning at 2:30 Friday October 18th.  This year's CHS Homecoming Parade has a new earlier start time. The parade will begin at 2:30 p.m. so everyone can make it to MPC for the Homecoming game...The Football team is on a winning roll!  YEA! 

Plus our Carmel High School Mock Trial teams are also award winning, talented and accomplished. Traveling costs to trial competitions, regionally, statewide, nationally adds up. This team is conducting community outreach for funding.

Directly from their Sponsorship letter request....
" Now, we are looking for 10 sponsors at $1,000 or more to once again make these trips possible and accessible for each member of our competition team, but any amount is greatly appreciated. These donations can be made through the Carmel High School students store or via check made out to the "Carmel High School - Associated Student Body" and mailed to PO Box 222780 Carmel, Ca 93922." 

The request full letter, details and more background are available on this CRA page. https://www.carmelresidents.org/our-next-generation-carmel-high

Carmel Libraries - Draft Buildings  Updates

The Library Board of Trustees and City Staff continue to look for feedback on these first draft plans for updating the inside of our amazing Carmel Library buildings.  This work will provide for more access, support current code and more - to serve our community for decades to come.  The first of these linked documents below is the presentation made at the March 2024 City Council.  There are addendum/updates also available on this City Board of Trustees webpage. If you have added feedback, reach out to any of the Board of Trustees or Ashley Wright.  

    1. Facilities Master Plan Phase I Harrison Memorial Library Board of Trustees & City Council 2024
    2. Carmel Public Library Master Plan Report - Pt. 1 Project Intro and Harrison Memorial Library conceptual design
    3. Carmel Public Library Master Plan Report - Pt. 2 Park Branch Conceptual Design; Budget & Proj. Schedule, and Cost Est. Drawings

CRA No Host at Carmel Plaza - Carmel Links Golf Club - Thursday November 7th - 4:30-6:30 - Mark your Calendars!

Anticipating, most if not all, of the local election results will be in (but no guarantees) - CRA has arranged a No-Host two day's post-election to celebrate the winners, thank those leaving office with some playtime/fun with fellow CRA Members and friends. 
Yes, the Carmel Plaza's Carmel Links Golf Club will be our destination for this gathering.  More details to follow!


CRA Annual Holiday Gala - Sunday December 8th! - Registration is now OPEN

Yes, it's that time to plan ahead for the holidays. This year we are planning a new approach at our traditional location in the La Playa's Pacific Banquet Room and Pacific Terrace.  We are hosting this Sunday at an earlier hour 4-7 PM, crossing our fingers to catch a great Carmel winter sunset.  All for the low per person cost of $75 each.

Click to Register to Attend HERE
To sign in, your Username is 

In the Pacific Terrace will be our usual free/included white and red wines. This year we will also have a bartender on the Pacific Terrace where you can order well drinks if you prefer.

The Pacific Banquet Room will be set up with multiple large tables, but also with more open space with standing tables to enable mixing about with more members for this early evening. This is commonly called a "Strolling Dinner", check it out.  HERE are the full event details!

In case you missed it ...CRA Candidates Forum - Sept. 17, 2024

It was standing-room-only, with over 180 in attendance. This year's election is exciting and critical on many fronts - including here in Carmel-by-the-Sea.  Our eight great candidates running for 2 seats on Council and a Mayoral seat joined us for this lively Questions/Answers, with Paul Miller of the Carmel Pine Cone as our moderator.

Ballots were mailed to all registered voters - so be sure to listen in to help inform your selections from these committed citizens all passionate about contributing to the future we all share. 

Please visit our 2024 Forum webpage for details on the program, press coverage and to learn and connect more with each of the EIGHT Candidates HERE.  We've included links to the Camel Chamber's business Forum video on this page too.

Here is the 1st Video from the Council Candidates - or click image below
Here is the 2nd Video from the Mayor Candidates - or click image below
       These two video's have recieved over 850 views since Sept 18th!

Note:  Paul Miller mentioned in a recent editorial and at our Forum about a September Sacramento Press Conference - tied to the "win"  requiring Affordable Housing projects for the city of Elk Grove from the State Attorney General and Governor HERE.

CRA Extends our Appreciation to City Staff

It's always time to say Thank You!  Chip Rerig, our City Administrator read this CRA letter in this weeks Friday Letter HERE, with the Vlog (video) HERE. And if you are not already recieving the Village Friday Letter - please signup to this weekly email letter and any of the many other topics that you are interested.

Join in our Village Meetings, Events & Activities - 
Expanded roster over October & November and a bit of December

Oct 7 – City Meeting - Rules 20A Undergrounding Utilities Ad Hoc Community Meeting at 4PM in City Chambers (narrowly applied to only a small portion of town, using funds provided by $'s reserved by PG&E)
Oct 8 – City Meeting - Flock Security Camera Ad Hoc Community Meeting at 4PM in City Chambers
Oct 9  – City Meeting - Regular Planning Commission at 4PM in City Chambers
Oct 10  – City Meeting - Forest & Beach Commission at 2:30PM in City Chambers
Oct 12 – Friends of Mission Trail Nature Preserve – Weedies 9:30AM - Noon
Oct 12 – Meet the Makers - Art & Wine Walk 4-7PM
Oct 15 & 16  – Monterey Symphony's Love Letter to Hollywood, at Forest Theater
Oct 17 – City Third Thursday in Devendorf Park with Halloween theme 4-7PM
Oct 18 – Carmel High School’s Homecoming Parade down Ocean Avenue 2:30PM
Oct 23 – CPLF's "Jane Powers & Ladies Shaping Destiny of Carmel" 7PM Carpenter Hall
Oct 24 – CRA hosts a table at Carmel's Weekly Farmers Market 10am-2pm
Oct 26 – CRA's October Beach Clean-Up, west end of Ocean Ave. 9:30AM to Noon
Oct 26 – Carmel's Annual Pumpkin Roll down Ocean Ave 11AM to 1PM
Oct 31 – Halloween/Anniversary Parade up and down Ocean Avenue - 4PM
(10/31 is Thursday, when we'd normally have a Farmers Market, but this Farmers Market is cancelled - due to needing this space for parade preparation)

Nov 5 – VOTE VOTE VOTE - Polls close at 8PM Pacific Time.
Nov 5 – City Meeting - Regular City Council 4:30PM in Council Chambers - plus 
Nov 7 – CRA's Membership No Host - Post Election Wind Down - 4:30-6:30PM at the Carmel Links Golf Club
Nov 9 – Friends of Mission Trail Nature Preserve – Weedies 9:30AM - noon
Nov 9 – Art Walk (about town) 4-7PM
Nov 10 – Church of the Wayfarer - 120th Year Anniversary!  (Congratulations - officially older than our Village!)
Nov 11 – Honoring Veterans Day at Memorial Arch on San Carlos  and then into Devendorf Park 11AM-Noon
Nov 13 City Meeting - Regular Planning Commission at 4PM in City Chambers
Nov 23 – Homecrafter's Market Place 9AM to 2PM in Sunset Center North Lot
Nov 28 – Thanksgiving National Holiday

Dec 3 – City Meeting - Regular City Council 4:30PM in Council Chambers (with today's Council)
Dec 6  SPECIAL City Holiday/Tree Lighting Celebration 4-6:30PM on Ocean Avenue & Junipero
Dec 9 – SPECIAL City Meeting - Swearing in of the NEW City Council, who will take over the City Council Meetings in January!
....and there is always more....

If there are items missing from this list...please reply with updates or corrections. We'll expand on this roster in future issues of News You Can Use.  

Two Newest Additions to the CRA VIP Offers from local Businesses!Sade’s Cocktails ✦ 25% off, plus enjoy a free premium cocktail on your birthday ✦ Lincoln 3 SE of Ocean Avenue 
St Germain Photography✦ $300 for a 30 min Legacy (50+) portrait session, $400 for a Couple Legacy session. Includes on location shoot, editing, 48 hr turn around, ✦ (831) 682-2077, ✦ www.StGermainPhotography.com

The full list of CRA Members offers/discounts and how to get more business that you frequent connected to this program can be found HERE!

 PS: Did you know that the CRA website had just over 38,000 visits this September.  Our past best month ever had only 21,500 visits in August!  We work hard to provide the latest current information and resources for our Members, Residents, in our Village and beyond!  This includes our calendar, documents, publications, current info on Hot Topics, links to other Village sources and organizations and so more.  If you don't visit our website often maybe your should join others that do www.carmelresidents.org. Your comments and corrections are always welcome!

Plus you all get extra points for reading to the end
of this longer than usual News You Can Use. 


Thanks to Tim, Lori &/or Joe for their Facebook photos of the Halloween Home on Scenic - up now with a skeleton-Olympic winners decor! Click each image to enlarge.

Carmel Residents Association
PO Box 13, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA 93921
[email protected]     CRA Facebook Page     CRA YouTube Channel