Mark Your Calendars - Upcoming Special & Standard City Council Meetings
1. Monday Nov 23rd 4:30 PM – Carmel Beach Fires - City Council - Public Hearing as per public notice, page 41 of this week’s PineCone, Proposed Action: Reconsider, review and/or amend a Coastal Development Permit (CDP 19-194) previously approved by the City Council to modify the Beach Fire Management Pilot Program (the “Pilot Program”)
The current program is set to expire – therefore this non-standard date to continue or adjust it. Carmel Beach Fires have strong seasonal, traditional, sentimental, air quality and environmental concerns – as well as costs to the city for oversight and maintenance.
2. Thursday Dec 3rd – Swearing in New City Council Member – Targeting Forest Theater & Online. Details are weather dependent and to be finalized.
3. Tuesday Dec 8th 4:30 PM – Next Standard City Council Meeting – targeted topics include street vending, budget update, climate action committee update, CHID vote, and outdoor seating update.
Access to all of these sessions and documents will be posted on at least 3 days in advance.
Thursday November 19th at 5:PM - Our Next CRA Program
"Dickens in America” - a performance by Howard Burnham.
Free & Open to the Public. For details on this program and Zoom logon information click HERE. Sign on 5 minutes early, to not miss a minute.
CRA is welcoming local actor-writer Howard Burnham’s characterization of Charles Dickens as Dickens completes his second tour of the United States. At a dinner at Delmonico’s, the inimitable Boz recounts his life story with special emphasis on his two visits to America, the first in 1842 being something of a disaster, compensated by his second triumphant return in 1867.
Charles Dickens (1812 –1870) was an English writer who created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the era – that is widely read today. (e.g. Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations…to name a few)
And Save the Date - For our last 2020 program that will be held Wednesday Dec 9th were our City Council’s Barron and Theis will update us all on Carmel’s Climate Change Initiative.
As always, these sessions login information is available on home page and they will be recorded and posted on the CRA’s YouTube Page.
Over the Holidays….be sure to…
1. Shop, Drink and Dine Local at all of our amazing Carmel businesses
2. Frequent Carmel’s Farmers Market – Thursdays 10 AM to 2 PM, only the week of Thanksgiving and the weeks of Christmas they will close.
3. Click online to the virtual HomeCrafters Marketplace Vendors many of whom will have one click listings coming up on the Carmel City Website over the ThanksGiving Holidays - HERE
4. “Light Up” Carmel-by-the-Sea for the Holidays. As you know, the traditional city sponsored event gathering and entertainment to celebrate the holidays with the Menorah and Tree Lighting at Devendorf Park, will not be held due to Covid19 restrictions. However, the Ocean Avenue medians, Devendorf Park and other businesses and residents – are all looking forward to spiffing up – for walk by and drive by enjoyment city-wide. And our thanks to all who decorated for the Carmel Pumpkins on Parade over our October Anniversary and Halloween weeks.
Sunset Center Dec 2019 Carmel Plaza

Major Carmel Construction Projects Presented by Esperanza Carmel LLC Now On YouTube
1. JB Pastor Project (Dolores & 8th) - 2. Ulrika Plaza Project (Dolores & 5th) - Reach back to the Esperanza Carmel team with questions, suggestions and concerns at [email protected].

Your CRA Board extends its warmest wishes for a …

Stay Warm, Stay Safe and Stay Masked!

Visit and our FaceBook Page for the latest in Carmel’s comings & going. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.