Our Village is challenged to respond to the California State requirements to plan for 349 net new housing units (RHNA) inside Carmel-by-the-Sea over the next 8 years. However our City is not responsible to build them; we are responsible to submit an updated Housing Element that could enable property owners and developers to do just that - build 349 new housing units.
As residents know, there is little to no open land inside our 1 square mile village, so the plan draft considers more ADU's, building in parking lots, 2nd+ stories on top of 1 story buildings in our downtown and more. Again as residents, we must assure successful completion of this State requirement while we retain local control and preserve the architectural character of our amazing Village.
"Did you know?" that our Village has housed many more residents in the years and decades back (see page 3 of the Voice Mar/Apr Issue here). We've welcomed new residents from far and near - then and now. And we all support the goal of housing that helps decrease commuting to benefit our planet and future generations to come.
Our City staff has been diligently preparing the mandated Housing Element drafts for your comments to be heard at this Thursday's meeting. There are other public comments opportunities ahead, but the sooner comments are received the more likely they can be considered before our submission to the State.
PLEASE SPEAK UP & ATTEND LIVE - June 15th 5:30-7:30 Housing Element Community Meeting + City Council + Planning Commission
This will be held in Carpenter Hall at Sunset Center. Ideally you've read the draft Housing Element (see below) and have some prepared questions. Questions in advance are welcomed via the City Project Website at homecarmelbythesea.com
For Remote Meeting Participation Zoom in:
Meeting ID: 836 5254 8621. Passcode: 591167
DRAFT Housing Element (as of June 5th) - for 30 day public comment period.
HERE is the full 300 page draft document. The city team has prepared a 3 page readers guide that is available here.

Here are the targeted next planned steps in this critical public review process.
- At the close of the 30-day public comment period (ending July 5th), the community feedback will be summarized and presented at the next City Council Meeting on Tuesday July 11th.
- The revised draft Housing Element will be reviewed at the next City Council Meeting on Tuesday Aug 1st.
- Then final edits will be rolled into what is submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in mid August for a 90-day DRAFT review period
The FOURTH Ad Hoc Housing Element Special Workshop was held - May 24th
This meeting focused on reviewing target locations for new housing in our village and programs to incent housing for property owners. The City's initial target sites will exceed the #349 RHNA housing unit allocation for our Village and will not require rezoning.
HERE is advanced staff report. HERE is the Video Recording. Here are the PowerPoint Slides. HERE is the article in the Carmel Pine Cone from May 26th highlighting this meeting.
Please Take the City's Survey on Housing at this link.
Full background and all key past meetings, videos, and documents are included on the CRA page on Housing here.
City Council's June 6th - Highlight of Two Village Architecture Topics
Design Review Board possible reinstatement was covered for Council's input on roles, policy and Board member criteria - pre-meeting Staff report HERE. Results: HERE are the Slides, HERE is the YouTube - begin at the 1:26 minute mark. Public support for moving ahead; augmented by Council guidance leaning to the Monterey model presented with next steps.
Design Traditions project status and timeline was covered to Council's directions and public comment - pre-meeting Staff report is HERE. Results: HERE are the Slides, HERE is the YouTube - begin at the 2:20 minute mark. Significant public support for ongoing support of this expanded project. Council expressed concerns and stressed completion by the new estimated timeline.
All of the work under Design Traditions covering the updating of our Carmel Architecture Commercial and Residential Design Guidelines can be found on the CRA page HERE.
If You Missed It - Yesterday's CRA Member's Beach Gathering

Upcoming events in & around town!
- Summer Concert Series at Carmel Plaza - every Friday 6:PM June 30 - July 28th - for concert details click HERE. First is "the Money Band"
- Independence Day - July 4th Celebration with Monterey Pops in Devendorf Park - for event details click HERE.
- US Woman's Open at Pebble Beach July 6-9 - For tickets & more click HERE
- Carmel's Bach Festival - July 15-29 - For tickets, schedules & more click HERE.
- Car Week - Aug 11-20 - For details, tickets & event rosters click HERE.
And as usual, CRA Hosts the Carmel Beach Clean Up every 3rd Saturday 9:30 to Noon at Del Mar Park at the End of Ocean Ave. Please volunteer here too. And CRA Hosts a Community Table at the weekly Farmers Market on the last Thursday of each month from 10-2. Please stop by.
For those of you who plan ahead - check out the CRA home page for more events and meetings you won't want to miss. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Reply or email to [email protected].