Welcome to the Carmel Residents Association Website

Since 1987, the Carmel Residents Association has been the premier community civic non-profit organization for full and part-time residents and owners or renters in Carmel-by-the-Sea. AND, we welcome everyone to join who cares for, frequents and wants to stay connected to our "Village in the Forest by the Sea". You can join, renew and make donations to the CRA all online Here. And Here are the benefits of your CRA membership.  

CRA's Candidates Forum - Sept 17, 2024 YouTube videos...in case you missed it!

Click each image to open relevant Council or Mayor video.  And for press and more, HERE is the full program webpage.


CRA's - Hot Topics, The Voice, News You Can Use, Events and More

Upcoming & Ongoing "Hot Topics"  We've compiled important history and background information on these pages.  Each of these receive frequent updates as these initiatives continue to receive Council or Board/Commission updates via City Teams.  Please check them out and provide your suggestions and comments.

Local Controls of Land Use and Zoning This page is updated at least weekly containing a) resources on the expanding roster Housing State legislation, b) recommended Videos pushing back on current Housing Legislaton, c) strongly recommended grass roots organizations pushing back on the one-size-fits-all legislation, d) press articles in 2023 & 2024 on this topic, and e) a listing of the most critical laws impacting new housing state wide since 2019 - when the flood gates opened. 
Housing Element 
& RHNA Challenges - All meeting information, background and more are on our page. On Apr 25th our Village Housing Element "Certification" letter was received from Sacramento's HCD HERE and now the Adopted and Certified Housing Element as of April 2024 is HERE. At the July City Council by a 5/0 vote, Council agreed to prioritize staff work on a revision to our Housing Element with the goal of replacing the City-owned sites for state mandated affordable housing.  Sept 10th City Council recieved an update on progress of this collaboration project with great feedback from the Council and public. 
Architecture in Carmel - Design Traditions Project
Public Steering Committee meetings are continuing.  Desired reinstatement of the Design Review Board and all of the Steering Committee Meetings are covered here. This project currently pending hiring a new Planning Department Director.
ADU Ordinance (Accessory Dwelling Unit) Updates are required to reflect State mandates ideally also our local ordinances and ideally with Objective Design Standards.  City Council was provided a draft update August 6th. City is planning an October Ordinance Draft review at the Planning Commission meeting. 
Parking and Traffic Management Paid Parking was briefly discussed at Aug 30 Strategic Priorities Meeting 2023.  This item was pushed to 2024 for public report of findings at a City Council Meeting to be announced.  However, new legislation AB413 requires no parking withing 20 ft of intersections by Jan 2025. Aug 28th Chief Tomassi presented his proposed approach that would only decrease downtown parking by 30 spots (great news given prior estimates in the 3 digits). At Oct 1 Regular City Council Chief Tomassi preented his recommendations for comments - that were positively received.  
* Police Station Replace/Rebuild Project - This contains city current and past reports, findings and press coverage on this proposed project - as led by City Ad Hoc Committee members Mayor Dave Potter and Council member Jeff Baron. This effort contiued scoping and refining proposals for location and facilities for future decisions of a potential $20-30 million dollar investments is being explored. Multiple meetings have been held for community input.  July 9th Council Agenda OKed #1 remodel option request for draft schematics from the consultant team. Next public update targeted for early November.

Security Cameras (Flock) Rollout - This project is now on hold with an established Ad Hoc Committee with Dramov & Richards Council Members as of Fall 2023, and met again June 10th. New Community meetings are set for Oct 8th at 4PM and Oct 24th at 1PM in City Chambers. Please join in!
Addresses in Carmel Project - Ad Hoc Committee (with Council Member Ferlito, with City Staff) is continuing to compile added reasearch. More details, history and press articles plus  are provided on this page. At City Council July 9th the vote was 3/2 to OK next steps planning/preparation for standard addresses in our Village.  At City Council August 6th this item was inserted to the agenda given significant community feedback/pushbacks. At the September 10th City Council, with a 3/2 vote, the decision was to hold Special City Council sessions for continued development and discussions on the possibilities, aiming toward a ballot vote in November 2025.  A "No Address" How to Guide published - HERE
Wireless/Telecom Ordinance - The August Drafts have now been approved by both Planning Commission and City Council in August & September respectively. This was approved via a second reading at City Council Oct 2nd; it then goes to the Coastal Commission for the final step, date to be announced. 
Esperanza Carmel Projects 5th & Dolores (aka Ulrika Plaza & The Pit) - At the Aug 2023 Planning Commission meeting the newest project plan was approved. Next step is detailed plans to be submitted in 2024. And the 7th&Dolores (JB Pastor Building) new layout proposal was reviewed at the July 10 2024 Planning Commission requiring redesign to accomodate requirements and concerns. 
* Trees in Carmel - Forest Master Plan update project is underway. Find a new article on the significance of our Monterey Pines here and a Community created Petition embracing our traditional Monterey Pines, Coastal Oaks, Monterey Cypress and Redwood Trees and influence the directions of the Master Plan update. Visit our page for documents and work in progress aligned with Forest & Beach Commission meetings. A Community Workshop was held May 22nd - with significant participation and comments proided by citizens.
* Carmel Beach - The Carmel City Beach is nature's gift to our residents and visitors from destinations far and near.  But it requires tasks including waste pick-up, oversight of its use and policies and the critica maintenance tied to impact of waves, King tides, storms, sand errosion, Climate Change and much more. At the March 4 City Council an updated project request for budget approval of next phase was approved 3Yes/2No.
* Strategic Planning (and Budget Updates) - Our Village has a multi-phased public approach to setting strategic priorities and annual budget cycles - annually, plus half yearly updates. Every fiscal year is July 1 to June 30. Details on these preparation meetings and updates are on our webpage - including the final budget approval at the June 4th City Council.

The Voice - Sept/Oct  HERE

Articles include: Choices NOVEMBER 24 Choices, Your Vote-Your Right-Your Responsibility, Carmel Welcomes Unicorns?...Especially in Campaign Season, Customes-Personality-and-Landmarks, Standard Addresses in our Village?, Science and Native Trees - Reminders, Village Summer Music Abounds, Carmel's Housing Challenges Continues, Major City Initiatives Work in Progress, Upcoming City Events, Great CRA Programs looking back and coming up - especially Feast in the Forest Sept 8th, New VIP Offers from Local Businesses, Extra Special 90th and 100th Year Recognitions and Don't Miss CRA's Biennual Candidates Forum Sept 17th.

News You Can Use - Sept/Oct

October 6 Issue HERE - Articles include:Next City Meetings & Events + Halloween, CHS Parade & Mock Trial Team Ask, CRA No-Host Nov 7, CRA Holiday Gala Dec 8 Signup Open, CRA City Thanks, New VIP Offers, CRA Forum & Voting reminders...and more. 

Sept 12 Issue HERE- Articles Include: Be sure to attend the CRA Candidates Forum Sept 17th, Sept/Oct Voice is Delivered, City Council Highlights, Feast in the Forest Thanks, and the September/October events coming up! 

And check out our Updated "Carmel Eats & Drinks" Listing HERE. ...as of 07/02/2024
Updated Summer 2024 Members Village Incentive Program (VIP) Offers & Listing HERE

Archives of these email and printed publications can be found HERE.   
Plus Our CRA Facebook page will also contain the most recent news, events, photos and open engagement with fellow locals - please join this page.

For Your Upcoming CRA Calendar:    

Thursday, October 31 - CRA will be marching in our City's Birthday Anniversary and Halloween Parade - up and down Ocean Avenue - a Community Tradition for past years fun!   Please join us one and all. 

Thursday, November 7th from 4:30 - 6:30 CRA's Members No-Host gathering will be held in the Carmel Plaza "Links Club Golf". We are gathering at this auspicious time - when the 2024 election day will be two days behind us, and if we are lucky both local and national results will be in!  We are gathering to "cry in our beers" and/or "toast the winners" and gather to have some fun.  


Sunday, December 8th from 4-7 PM - CRA Members Holiday Gala at La Playa Hotel.  Full Event details are available HERE. Registration is OPEN NOW - HERE. This year we are planning a new approach at our traditional location in the La Playa's Pacific Banquet Room and the Pacific Terrace.  We are hosting this Sunday at an earlier hour 4-7 PM, crossing our fingers to catch a great Carmel winter sunset.  All for the low per person cost of $75 each.

...and more 2025 dates yet to come.

Plus you can always find us at the CRA Beach Clean Up - every 3rd Saturday at the bottom of Ocean avenue from 9:30-Noon (March-October). 
And the at the Carmel Weekly Farmers Market - but we are there on the last Thursday of each Month at a Community Table (except November & December). 
Be sure to stop by!

CRA's & Carmel's Past Events

September 17th - CRA's Bienial Candidates Forum - A great overflow crowd and two panels for our Candidates. Panelists-Candidates: for Mayor included Dave Potter (I), Dale Byrne and Jeff Baron, then for Council Hans Buder, Bob Delves, Danny Hala, (Daniel) Parker Logan, and David O'Neil.   For full event details and photo's visit this program pageAnd click each image to open relevant panel session video. 


September 8th  - CRA Members Annual- Feast in the Forest in Pebble Beach. This year it was a Western BBQ!  HERE is the webpage with all of the details including all of the great Raffle items from our Members and great Businesses around town!   Thanks to all for your participation. 



July 10th CRA Hosted a Conversation with Mary Adams - our Monterey County District 5 Supervisor.  Mary provided 8 years of insights on the workings on the Monterey County dais and prior.  Mary spoke to her many Pubic Service roles on committees and  boards – covering locally on AMBAG, Energy, Water, Transportation and beyond including American Cancer Society.  CRA also recognized Mary for her Lifetime of Public Service. Details, photos etc. are available HERE. Youtube video is available HERE

July 4th - Carmel's Independence Day Celebration - Enjoy

June 6th CRAs Members Only Annual Meeting with Historic Photos  We introduced our CRA Board, we provided a breif update on our organization, we extend our yearly award of recognition to a Carmel Business, we mix/mingle with fellow members our munch & imbibe, plus as our keynote we explore Village worthy topics. For your enjoyment, this year we are explored the heritage of our amazing Village through the lens of Pat Hathaway, presented by James Perry, this collection curator and Executive Director of the Monterey County MuseumVisit this page for details, program video, PDF of slides, photos plus.


May 1st - Carmel High's Mock City Council Meeting. This was held in our City Council Chambers, as students take the roll of City Council and Department Heads to review budget items and more. This is a great opportunity to see our "Next Generation" of leaders in action. HERE is the YouTube Video.  Visit this page for more photos and prior year details.

April 27th - CRA's Community Rummage Sale was held in the south lot of the Sunset Center.  Donation days were Wednesday - Friday, and shoping on Saturday.  For more details visit this page.  

March 23rd - Jane Goodall on Carmel Beach sponsored by SPCA Monterey County

March 11th CRA Members gathered at our No-Host  at "The Annex" (behind 7th& Dolores)We casually connected, munched and imbibed.This was a full house - thank all for joining in. Details can be found HERE.

February 21st CRA hosted our “Carmel’s City Directors - On Point” Familiar staff names including Wright, Harary, Swanson, Tomasi and Wright shared updates and insights on projects and what's next in a moderated Q&A session.  Details can be found HERE. YouTube Link is HERE.


January 23rd CRA hosted Paul Miller for "The Carmel Pine Cone Inside/Out".  Paul the owner, publisher, editor of the Carmel Pine Cone, shared a Behind the Curtain view into what makes this our Village weekly “must read”.  Details & photos can be found HERE.   YouTube Link is HERE.


December 2nd - CRA Members' Annual Holiday Gala  We hope you were able to join us for this traditional dinner celebration of everything and everyone in our amazing Village in 2023!  We gathered once again at La Playa beginning at 5:30-6:30 for wine, cocktails and holiday cheer.  Then dinner was served between 6:30 and 9:00PM.  All of the evening details are HERE. And HERE is a video of images at this great gathering! 

November 14th - CRA Members Gather for a No-Host at Flaherty's - bwt San Carlos and Dolores on 6th.  Find more information and photos from No Host Gathering HERE.  Thanks to all who joined us!

October 31st - Carmel's 107 Birthday Parade - a Halloween Tradition. CRA Board and our Members joined us to march through our Village downtown with many other organizations. Tons of fun kids and adults alike  Photo's from this year and past years are available HERE

October 23rd - CRA Hosts "Carmel meets Sacramento - a Coastal Community Town Hall on California Housing Legislation"   We gathered over 100 community residents and guests, plus our honored panelists at the Carmel Highschool Center for the Performing Arts.  We heard from our California State - Sacramento Senator John Laird and Assembly Member Dawn Addis who represent our Coastal Community. Paul Miller, Publisher of the Carmel Pine Cone moderated this session exploring the latest in recent Housing legislation.  

Learn more about about critical housing laws and explore protecting Land Use and Zoning Local Controls in our Monterey Peninsula Community. Visit this page for a full transcript, press coverage, bio's, contact info and related information on our Town Hall.  YouTube video is available HERE.

October 18th - CRA No-Host  Members connected in the bar at Little Napoli - NE Corner of Dolores and 7th.  Pictures and details of all of our No-Hosts are available HERE.

October 14th - With the PacRep Board, we celebrated Ken White as Bohemian of the Year 2023 - at Forest Theater. It was a great time to honor this extrodinary Carmel Citizen.  And Learn more of Ken's contributions to our Village and beyond, with pictures and more click here.  

September 22nd  Carmel High Homecoming Parade - where CRA has sponsored the Class of 2027!  Join in the fun on Ocean Ave as everyone celebrates our next generation of Carmel-ites! 

September 9th our Feast in the Forest in Pebble Beach, this year with a Greek theme - OLA!  Enjoy the photo's and event details HERE

 Summer 2023 CRA Membership Survey - Thanks to the 132 CRA Members who provided your views on these Carmel hot topics making headlines and influencing the future character of this Village where we choose to live, play, or work and always enjoy. The full report, background and coverage on this Survey can be found HERE

July 4th Celebration in Devendorf Park - Great music, munching and mingling.   Thanks to Monterey County Pops fitting holiday tunes and a barbershop performance by the Monterey Peninsula Cypressaires.  Plus thanks to City Staff and Volunteers who produced this event for our enjoyment.

Mar 26 - Citizen of the Year Celebration -  was our biannual award & recognition program celebration. For more information on our program this year and Donna Jett as well as the past 2021 year program, nomination process and prior honorees please visit this page HERE.

Fred Bologna, President of CRA says "Donna is an extraordinary example of a sustained committed volunteer for our Village. With over 25 years on nonprofit boards and event leadership, her contributions are almost too many to mention. ... We are pleased to add her to our honor role of Citizens of the Year."
(the first image below is a fast pace slide show,
click on the second image to view the video of this ceremony)


 Sadly, the CRA family extends our warmest thoughts to all of the Family and Friends of Skip Lloyd who passed in March of 2023.  Skip was a co-founder of Carmel Residents Association and its President in 1989. He was a Carmel and area Champion throughout his life and will be missed with lasting memories.  Learn more about Skip HERE

Sadly Carmel lost a former Mayor, former CRA Board Member, Citizen of the Year and long term champion for our Village on 10/31/2022 - Charlotte Townsend, may she Rest In Peace.   Video interview and 4 articles on Charlotte's life and times are available on this page.  She will be missed.  

CRA Beach Clean Up Season - every 3rd Saturday at 9:30AM - See You in June

This year marks our 30th Anniversary of this great community volunteer event.  We are starting a month early this year, beginning in April through October. 
Join us from 9 AM to Noon, every 3rd Saturday, at the bottom of Ocean Avenue.  We'll provide the buckets and scoopers; you bring your gloves and sunscreen.  Visit this page for more information

Farmers Market Serving Carmel Area - Weekly

Thursdays - from 10 AM to 2 PM  In Carmel by the Sea - just behind Devendorf Park on Sixth Avenue between Junipero and Mission Streets on 6th.

PLUS - CRA leadership hosts the Community Table there at the corner of 6th and Junipero - EVERY LAST THURSDAY of EACH MONTH!  (taking off Nov & Dec) Please stop by to pick up your reusable, free "Loving Carmel-by-the-Sea" shopping bag. 

Enjoy local certified organic fresh farm produce, plants, fresh cut flowers, baked good and various specialty items...and some entertainment too.


Please Support our VIP Business Members

Take a look at the list of the local businesses with offers for our membership that are participating in the CRA's Village Incentive Program here.  All current CRA members receive a yearly new VIP card with their renewal or when they join. For more information on this program and membership benefit visit this page.

Carmel Chamber of Commerce Catalyst Newsletter 

Sign Up for the Chamber's Catalyst online newsletters here.  It provides great information on and to our valued local Businesses.

Sign up for the Weekly Carmel Friday Letter

Our Village City Administrator and Staff produce a weekly update with a highlight video and other key info on the current week and week to come.  Be sure to signup for this important information here and check out past issues there too.

COVID19 in Monterey County

To see the latest detailed charts and tables from the Monterey health department, click here

Here is an expanded list of Online Resources from Local to Global on COVID-19. 


As always, please stay safe and healthy.

Thank you for working to keep our community strong. (see Carmel Code)