Flock Cameras in our Village - Automated License Plate ReadersThis City Project has an Ad Hoc Committee with Dramov & Richards Council Members established in Fall of 2023.
Feb 4th City Council topic Flock Camera placements and agreement Recommendations HERE is the Staff Report prepared in advance for this agenda topic. As approved the City will execute a modified agreement with Flock Safety Group Inc. for the continued use of Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) technology, with provisions for the new smaller number of cameras leased (for main entry & exit points), and language added to the agreement that protects the privacy of Carmel-by-the-Sea residents, in an amount not to exceed $30,000 over two years. Check out the Camera's Carmel "Transparency Portal" Here. Future public considerations to include review of placement of additional cameras as well as possible alternate providers. Oct 2024 Ad Hoc Meetings and Press Coverage HERE is the Monterey County Weekly 10/23/2024 article "A committee will meet to discuss final questions surrounding Flock cameras in Carmel" prior to the Oct 24th session. These session were held to gather community input in preparation for next steps and decisions to be made by City Council. Advance decisions are needed prior to a March auto-renewal of our current agreement for the 30 cameras. See image/map. Of the 30 cameras 6 of these are in use/activated as follows: Dolores & 7th, San Carlos & 6th, San Carlos & Ocean, Ocean & Junipero, Mission & Ocean and MonteVerde & 6th. 1. HERE is the Presentation/Slides given by Chief Paul in the Oct 24th session July 7th, 2024 - Monterey Herald Page B1 HERE is the article link (subscription required) Title is "Police warned about lisence plate data law" . June 10th, 2024, Special Topic Public Community Meeting HERE is the City Notice for this Meeting. HERE is the YouTube video from this session. This was held in Council Chambers and is hosted by Councilmembers Dramov and Richards. Alissandra Dramav and Paul Tomasi presented slides to set the stage with background for community questions and feedback. Chief Paul reinfoced this system does not capture/track people, just vehicle license plates for 30 days only. Seargent Bruno demonstrated the Carmel PD "Trasparency Portal" which is also accessible to the public showing overall statistics and "searches" for specific vehicles tied to a crime or case (they cannot do a live view into a camera location). Monterey County municipalities and quantity of Flock Cameras currrently include: Pacific Grove 12, Salinas 72, Marina 20, Seaside 25, Sand City 10, Monterey 34, Soledad 6, Monterey County 60. Clarity was provided that 6 of the initial Flock cameras installed are in use, some installed are not active and some were not installed. Our Village does track multiple case results of solving crimes with these cameras.
While it was helpful to better understand the needs, use, function and productivity of the partially deployed Flock technology (see video), there were community concerns expressed on civil liberties, personal privacy, camera location, quantity, visual clutter and needs for clarity on data policy. What protections do we have here (and/or contractually) on the data in this system being misused intentionally or unintentionally? It was also mentioned about concerns about potential bad reactions to the National Election in November - and how cameras may aid in providing added saftey tools to our Police team and our community.
It appeared the next step is to make a recommendation(s) formally at an upcoming City Council meeting and added community feedback for direction. Some of potential recommendations Chief Paul would/could include are perimiter camera placement, no cameras in residential areas, place them only on existing poles (not stand alone poles) and annual public reporting of use and results "creating a virtual gated community" for our Village.
July 11, 2023, Regular City Council Meeting - Open Comments Topic
April 4, 2023 - Regular City Council Meeting - Puchase of Flock Security Cameras - Consent Agenda Item Staff Report with multiple attachments HERE - this was the original request for funding of these new cameras that was approved by City Council at this meeting, without presentation (that was not requested by staff or public). Attachment 1) Resolution 2023-031 |